
●日時:2022年6月21日(火)18:00~(JST) Zoomにて実施
●報告者:Branislav Hazucha(北海道大学大学院法学研究科 教授)

●テーマ:"A Role of Public Domain in Cultural Production: A Case of Open-Source Software and Mash-Up"

●参考文献: 1. Branislav Hazucha, "A Role of Public Domain in Cultural Production: A Case of Open-Source Software and Mash-Up" (2022)
2. Josh Lerner & Jean Tirole, "The Economics of Technology Sharing: Open Source and Beyond", 19 J. ECON. PERSPS. 99 (2005)
3. Stephen Bazen, Laurence Bouvard & Jean-Benoît Zimmermann, "Musicians and the Creative Commons: A Survey of Artists on Jamendo", 32 INF. ECON. & POL’Y 65, 69–70 (2015)
4. Melody Herr, "The Interpretation of Creative Commons Licenses by US Federal Courts", 47 J. ACAD. LIBRARIANSHIP 1 (2021)