高等研センター・シンポジウム"The Co-Change of Law & Society: An Exploration for the Creolist Perspective of Law"

"The Co-Change of Law & Society: An Exploration for the Creolist Perspective of Law"

Meeting Room, Slavic Research Center,4F 10:00~18:00
Coordinator: Ko Hasegawa (Director, the Advanced Institute for Law & Politics)
Speakers: Hisashi Aizawa (University of Hokkaido)
       Asako Kuwahara (University of Hokkaido)
       Ichiro Ozaki (University of Hokkaido)
       Ken Suzuki (University of Hokkaido)
       Masaki Taguchi (University of Hokkaido)
       Daniel Botsman (Harvard University)
       Miaofen Chen (National Taiwan University)
       Dimitri Vanoverbeke (Catholic University of Leuven)
